After finishing both bottom girdle bands, I got everything leathered up so I could do a proper test fitting! A bit snugger than expected, but still very wearable. It's possible I've suffered some horizontal expansion in the past five years.
Bending forwards, backwards, sideways - they all work!
Haven't trimmed the leathers yet, so they are hanging out the bottom. I made the fasteners out of plain copper wire, probably 14 gauge.
Here's a quick look at how much give there is, particularly in the bottom two plates, which do not fasten together.
It's feeling a lot closer to completion! Sadly, there are lots of sharp edges which need to be dealt with before this can be a worn as a costume. When I disassemble everything to put in the final rivets, I'll have to take each lame and apply finishing to the edges and corners. This is not difficult, but it's a lot of metal filings and time.
The next batch of work will require a propane torch so I can anneal brass again - to finish bending the hooks on which the girdle hangs.
I'll also have to finish adjusting the shoulder leathers, do some edge finishing, and finish riveting the hinges.
See you next time, reader.
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